Colton Maher, our broker, founder, and native to the Brainerd Lakes Area.
With a career built on years of experience in the downtown Minneapolis condo and real estate market, Colton gained a true appreciation for luxury homes, innovative and efficiently built spaces, and most importantly, selling a LIFESTYLE. The up north scene offers scenic woods, lake life, a reason to slow down on the daily, and unmatched natural beauty in its surroundings - much like the downtown scene offers walkability, convenience and pristine recreational and social opportunities.
Colton was inspired by the connection between a buyer/seller and their EXPERIENCE they had or could have in their home and neighborhood. He has a natural passion for helping others and helping navigate challenges on a very down-to-earth level.
Growing up in the Brainerd Lakes made him appreciate the natural beauty and lifestyle the area had to offer and convinced him to return to his roots after years in the city and 12 years away from “home”. His intention was to share the Lakes Area lifestyle with locals and tourists alike.
This all helped shape the all-encompassing groundwork for Woods to Water Real Estate - serving the Brainerd Lakes Area with expansive options in real estate, land management, property management, and vacation homes.
Colton’s passion for this area shines through his community engagement, fishing and boating the local lakes, hunting our backyard woods, and supporting local first.
Office Location: 25496 Murray Road,
Office Phone Number: 218-961-1005