Outdoorsman Update: Issue 12

Winter is in full force in Minnesota, let's take advantage of every minute of it!

Lakes are starting to fill up with ice fishermen and snowmobiles have hit the trails. Hunters have just a little over a week to fill an archery tag with that season ending on December 31st. Local ice reports are saying that there is solid ice but all this snow calls for some slushy conditions. With the cooler temps recently, it should help. Many anglers report a good walleye bite on Gull and Pelican. Shiners and rainbows have been doing well. Crappies are also starting to hit on some of the smaller local lakes as well.

I can’t help but to think about spring and food plot season already as deer hunting season is coming to an end. I am already planning my food plots and designing them for myself and clients for 2023! As an added service, I offer food plot designs using aerial images — this helps me create a design custom made for your property to yield the best success rates. Don’t be afraid to reach out with any land and food plot questions! I am happy to help.   

A few upcoming events to keep an eye out for: Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza, Cayuna Lakes Annual Ice Fishing Contest, and "Fishing for Ducks" tournament on Mille Lacs. See our winter events blog for more info.

In the winter months I enjoy making different things with my venison harvested in the fall. One of my favorite snacks is Venison Jerky. This method is super simple and tastes awesome!



1 pound thinly sliced venison or meat of choice 

3 Tbsp Traeger® Jerky Rub seasoning 

1/2 Cup Soy Sauce

1 Cup Apple juice 


  1. Take 1lb of thinly sliced meat (I use mine from hindquarters but you can use 1lb of ground if preferred!)
  2. Put the meat in a ziplock bag and add your jerky rub seasoning, soy sauce, and apple juice 
  3. Let the mixture marinate for 8 hours or overnight 
  4. Smoke at 170° for 4-5 hours 
  5. Enjoy!
be safe out there, and we'll SEE YA NEXT MONTH! 
Posted by Emma Gruber on
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